Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Mr Jahn Cheah.
Well he is a very interesting n funny person.His hobbits is like to tell craps n grandfather stories.sumtimes very lanxi still a ok guy.He is my fm lecturer.He like zq but in lanxi n very confident version.his favourite phrase is do ur question til the cows come home.like to use phrases in class n high iq jokesi dunnoe its problem wit iq or the language communication problem among students.Surpirisngly he from a lor star n same school wit my cousin kolej sultan abdul hamid.he keep telling us tat he train air stewardess when his young.guide them n watching them swimming.I dun like the way he teach c3 n c4 too fast n fp1 i getting familiar wit his style.too much thinking i got a bit of white hair d.well nth to talk about him.well i thinking to drop physics too hard for me or the lecturer sucks.he likes talking to himself or to board.lack of confidence n soft skills.the physic lecturer i feel suffer under him,i prefer the form 6 teacher pn teoh.sob..sob.well why ppl asking why i take fm actually if i taking financial studies.well i going to take financial,economics n statitics.i consider financial as major.well i noe i bit sacractic in saying this still some ppl juz like to kill b4 interrgeration.
lame joke
U noe one day a priest lost his rooster.
so, on the sunday mass, he ask his fellow chirstian in church.
he said" Anyone have a cock?"
then all men rise.
then he said "sorry,wrong question...have anybody seen a cock?"
then all women rise.
then the priest say" sorry again wrong question,but have anyone seen my cock?"
all nun rise.
so, on the sunday mass, he ask his fellow chirstian in church.
he said" Anyone have a cock?"
then all men rise.
then he said "sorry,wrong question...have anybody seen a cock?"
then all women rise.
then the priest say" sorry again wrong question,but have anyone seen my cock?"
all nun rise.
Monday, October 29, 2007
When i read kim blog, i feel tat i such an ass.When i in primary these tow kids.n these two kids nvr continue their second year in the same school.When i in standard 5,i dunnoe wat this guy name.i forgot liao. i remember we always bully him except seng,chong yuet n rest of good guys.i feel awkward n regret of my action.he din have frens coz he is weird.i remember to an ant.well he dress like totally nerdy.nerds the bunch i always feel strange.the definition of a nerd well is always tug in their shirt,wearing dorky glasses, always talk about computers & hot chicks(as if they will get one still they will get in the end),showing off their knowledges n talk lanxily.a good example of tat is well the pilot.but 10% in him is a loser.back to the story,i remember i always bully n be mean to him.look of it i kinda immature the way i act.i should make fren wit him at least.still....haih,ah seng told me tat my action still wrong after all this years.haih....i so fucking immature n childish.i should grow up.this year two years is important A lvls.My parent give me some high hope.well in the faimly boys will be boys.U can say tat i am the black sheep of the family.ya ernest i remember in maria ooi i always be mean to him too.still he always sit alone.he kinda introvet person.dun talk much.ah seng wasn't happy wit him.i always elike talk rudely to him n be mean.why?i dunnoe,i feel superior over him.well tat bad.i noe iam snobish,lanxi,act cool oh wat n etc of bad stuff,tat wat all they said.still i feel tat ppl dun understand me.i have still long way to go.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Going to subang to day to eat bak ku teh.Everyday in my aunt house,i really miss pork.now i noe how blackie feel.Why i back to love topic again?chiam today too hyperactive.shit i feel retard i need to feed on games.i hope my mum agreee on buying a new laptop for me.
I just found out tat this girl in my class look like her or i am mentally retarded again.seem i too obessed wit her thoight oh well i hope i forget fish soom.this girl in my class i like to make her mad coz i like to see her angry.sound sick isn't it.i noe i am a sick bastard....haih i got few hair liao.it seem fm take it toll on me.by the time i graduate i will be white apek wit funny looking retard face.i feel sad to an orphanage in my aunt tmn.rumour had it tat the orpanhage will be forced to moved due to image.sad those kids have no place to stay.i wonder where all the money or ppl do concern about them.they r human too.the world is cruel.ppl always neglect the poor n needy.juz tat ppl....sigh....we always judge book by it cover n wat they done not who they truly r.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Haih...i dunnoe la i feel sad... sumtimes ... oh .. weird me
I still like her thought but each day getting lesser.At last got some improvement thought. Raya week let me felt tat i juz realized tat how small the world i live in.i turn around there beautiful girls everywhere.hey she not the onli one.i feel in love again but this time wit this girl from college.i think she is in diploma same as hmmm 's girl.still i feel tat i kinda useless i still young.Juz get lecture from grandpa yesterday well amost everyday get lecture.seem, i have so many flaw.Well the girl of my dream i saw her at mid valley last few days ago.Wao she fit my description of my dream girl.Tall,tanned skin,sexy in a way,eloquent,complicated,long hair nice face.......i so picky is n't it...well wit this attidude i will not get anyone.aiya i forget to get her name.well it made me realize wat a fool am i to fall for fish.
Bull shit
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You are outgoing, direct, smart, pretty, and a definite go-getter. You are frank, a little too frank perhaps that sometimes you get on people's nerves and make them very upset. If people attack you, you hit back with triple the force without blinking because you are the kind of person who knows exactly what you are talking about or else you wouldn't talk about it. Your quick-thinking is what makes you special. You are an elitist.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Shit day.
Today i feel tired....still i have go to college.I expect Mr jahn cheah to tease i and dq in class coz of yesterday. i and dq was talking bad a bout him in the toilet dg was doing his business while i was talking how he teach.i say fp1 at least he teach seriously n c4 is kinda simply.I really dun understand.Rest all bad stuff bout him then we stop talking bout him.suddenly got flushed in the toilet it was mr jahn cheah n then he give a hmmm n then go off.I told dg n we were laughing wat a million chance to meet him in toilt.actually i hope he dun understand mandarin n beside i thought he at lvl 2 toilet lol.wat a joke.
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